Short haircuts are very useful. It makes you look younger and look more intelligent. Do not be surprised by the comment that people thinking your sister is older than you and addressing you the younger one. Short hair cut makes your personality cute and sweet. Actually short hair is timeless. It can be old. As for instance bob cut which is seen as Cleopatra’s hair cut. It can be any modern variations like keira’s hairstyle or Katie Holmes’s short haircut. But when you will apply this hair cut be careful about the fact that the cut should match your face cutting, body structure and life style. Unless your hair cut will be all mess.
Your ideal haircut will be the very cut that makes you very comfortable and the same time beautiful and happy. You would not regret over your hairstyle and will be happy each time you will look yourself in the mirror. For career oriented women and busy corporate women this cut is very handy and easy to handle. You will be feeling more in control and your tresses will also be under your control. It is strong as well as feminine. so the women who want to project a strong and at the same time a soft naïve look they must try short hair cut at least for one time.
Short hair cut is time saving and money saving too. If you have hardly any time to spend for your hair care then switch to short hair cut. But be care choosing a short hairstyle because it should match your personality, life style, hair thickness, hair texture and body shape. So please consult your hairdresser and pick the right one. One thing is also very important to look at. That is what type of hairdo you see in catalogue or in any book is a result of enormous effort of a prominent fashion hair stylist. It is therefore not necessary that you will also get that exact look like the very model flaunting the hair cut, which you want to have. So do not choose something that your stylist is not very sure about that. Pick a simple but happening cut, which is your stylist’s also favorite cut.
Now we will discuss the 10things, which are very important to have a short haircut. Your natural long hair will hide the greasiness of your scalp. But your short hair will not hide anything. So, daily shampooing is very important. To avoid limp and oily hair always wash your hair.
If you want your short hair looks more glossy and extra shiny then use a crème or a gel or spray to make your hair ultra shiny and silky. You can add some natural home ingredients to have a shiny hair. Shiny heavy hair looks really very good. Cut your hair after every 4to 6 weeks. Because you want to keep your short hairstyle in a regular basis then you have to get trimmed regularly. Your hairstyle will be ruined if you ignore this.
Hair accessories are not for only long hair. The intelligent use of hair accessories for short hair can make your style. Hair bands, wraps, and small barrettes look great on short hair.
Source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/women/article_2704.shtml